Rule Principles
- We have kids on the server. Although we allow some mature content, any harmful behavior towards kids will not be tolerated. We consider anyone under the age of 18 to be a minor.
- If you attempt to cheat the system (for example, by bypassing a punishment, using additional accounts to avoid punishment, or manipulate the wording of a rule) we will not tolerate this behavior. However, you may use a different account if you were banned for an inappropriate name.
- The rules may not cover every possible issue. Our goal is to keep Applecraft a fun and safe server for everyone. We will take action against any content or behavior that we believe is over the line.
- Safety
For cases of personal safety, please complete a Player Safety Report in our Discord server for our Player Safety team to review.
Content on the server cannot be upsetting, offensive, inappropriate, or put a player's safety at risk. This content is limited everywhere, including your username, skin, chat, and any builds or items. We've outlined some major rules below.
1.1 Objectionable content is not allowed anywhere. Examples of such content include:
1.1.1 Discrimination of any kind, including references or commentary about religion, race, sexual orientation, or gender.
1.1.2 Discussions of harmful or violent behavior, such as rape, suicide, or encouraging drug use.
1.1.3 Harassment, or participating in harassment of another player, defined by Webster's Dictionary as, "to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct."
1.1.4 Strongly cursing at other players with the intent to harm them.
1.2 Inappropriate, Political, and Religious content is not allowed. Examples of such content include:
1.2.1 Overtly sexual or pornographic material and 18+ clubs, builds, or other content, including sexual experiences, desire to perform a sexual act, or requesting pictures.
1.2.2 Mapart and written books generally follow a PG-13 standard, and are especially limiting in sexual or offensive material.
1.2.3 Political content includes depictions of political figures, campaigns, elections, derogatory viewpoints or heated/controversial topics. Some historical references and political figure usernames that are not controversial may be exempt from this rule.
1.2.4 Religious content includes depictions of religious figures, promoting, criticizing, or mocking a religion or religious figures, derogatory viewpoints or heated/controversial topics.
1.3 Personal identifiable information may not be shared, known as doxxing. Examples include:
1.3.1 Any identifiable information about yourself or another player, such as full name or last name, physical address, or social media profiles.
1.3.2 Minecraft account login information.
1.4 Retaliation against players or staff reporting or involved with a safety report will not be tolerated.
- Chat
We like to keep our chat easy to read and free of spam.
2.1 No spamming or flooding chat. Examples of this include:
2.1.1 Repeated teleport requests.
2.1.2 Excessive caps lock. Approximately one line of caps is allowed, although multiple lines, messages, or an overall excessive amount of caps is not allowed.
2.1.3 Repeated personal advertisements. Shop ads, event ads, item requests, price checks, stream ads, etc. can be sent, although they must completely disappear from chat before they can be sent again.
2.1.4 No links in chat, except for links to our website and live streams of Applecraft on appropriate streaming websites.
2.2 Additional chat rules include:
2.2.1 Any discussions causing or intended to cause trouble are not allowed. If a staff member asks you to end the conversation, end it immediately.
2.2.2 Encouraging other players to break any of the rules is not allowed.
2.2.3 Staff impersonation is not allowed, including claiming to be a staff member or changing your name to resemble a staff member's name.
2.2.4 Violating a chat rule and logging off is not allowed.
2.2.5 Advertising or discussing other servers or realms is not allowed. Hypixel, Mineplex, 2B2T, and Hermitcraft may be discussed, but sending their server IP address is not allowed.
2.2.6 English is the only language allowed in global chat. You can speak in other languages in private messages or local chat, except for at server locations, including spawn, shops, and events.
2.2.7 Third-party fonts, symbols, and using color codes are not allowed. Item displays are generally exempt from this rule, as long as they are not used to talk and bypass this rule.
2.2.8 If a player is bothering you, use the /ignore command to block their private messages. If you are being bothered otherwise, contact a staff member for assistance. If you are told to stop messaging a player, stop.
- Fair Play
We do not allow the use of any cheats, hacks, or exploits.
3.1 Taking advantage of bugs or exploits is not allowed, including issues from vanilla, rare, plugins, etc.
3.1.1 Duplicating anything, including tnt, is not allowed.
3.1.2 Any item holding enchants it shouldn't have may be removed.
3.2 Some mods and hacks that are not allowed include:
3.2.1 X-ray and Automine, including any third-party ways to assist in mining or finding ores. Using any vanilla or server exploits, bugs, lag, or any other form of abuse to help you mine or find ores is not allowed.
3.2.2 Speed hacks.
3.2.3 Fly hacks.
3.2.4 PVP hacks, including Kill-Aura, Anti-Knockback, and Auto-Clickers. Auto-Clickers are allowed outside of PVP.
3.2.5 Minimap/Freecam mods that show anything invisible to you. Radar maps/mods are not allowed.
3.2.6 Clients or mods that violate any of our rules are not allowed. Some pre-approved clients/mods include Optifine, Badlion, shaders, brightness/gamma mods, and Litematica/Printer. Inventory-sorting mods and mods that automatically switch your block/tool in hand are allowed.
3.2.7 Macros are allowed for simple tasks, such as crafting or walking in a straight line. Complicated tasks and scripts, such as turning your player, are not allowed.
- Lag Control
To help prevent lag, we've set the limits below.
4.1 Lag Rules for Blue, Purple, and Red Worlds:
4.1.1 Any builds or having anything intended to cause lag is not allowed. Anything causing lag may be removed by the staff team.
4.1.2 Item Frame limit: 200 per chunk or 800 per base/area. Mapart museums may receive special exemption from the 800-limit rule.
4.1.3 Armor Stand limit: 10 per chunk.
4.1.4 Mob limit: 13-15 per chunk. Some mobs may disappear or stop spawning if the limit is exceeded.
4.1.5 Hopper limit: 40 per chunk.
4.1.6 Pistons limit: 40 per chunk.
4.1.7 Observer limit: 40 per chunk.
4.1.8 Redstone Repeater limit: 45 per chunk.
4.1.9 Lava casts are not allowed anywhere on the server.
4.1.10 Large cobblestone generators are banned due to constant piston updates. All cobblestone generators are to be one module (1x5) max.
4.1.11 Chunk loaders are not allowed.
4.1.12 Portal farms are disabled/not allowed, except for shulker farms.
4.1.13 Entity cramming is not allowed.
4.2 Lag Rules for Green World:
4.2.1 Any builds or having anything intended to cause lag is not allowed. Anything causing lag may be removed by the staff team.
4.2.2 Item Frame limit: 200 per chunk or 800 per base/area. Mapart museums may receive special exemption from the 800-limit rule.
4.2.3 Armor Stand limit: 10 per chunk.
4.2.4 Mob limit: 13-15 per chunk. Some mobs may disappear or stop spawning if the limit is exceeded.
4.2.5 Hopper limit: 20 per chunk.
4.2.6 Pistons limit: 20 per chunk.
4.2.7 Observer limit: 20 per chunk.
4.2.8 Redstone Repeater limit: 20 per chunk.
4.2.9 Lava casts are not allowed anywhere on the server.
4.2.10 Large cobblestone generators are banned due to constant piston updates. All cobblestone generators are to be one module (1x5) max.
4.2.11 Chunk loaders are not allowed.
4.2.12 Portal farms are disabled/not allowed, except for shulker farms.
4.2.13 Entity cramming is not allowed.
4.2.14 Autosorters, or any sorting system using Redstone mechanics, are limited to 2 modules max, meaning you can sort up to 2 chests in a system. You cannot sort more than 2 chests in the entire area you are in, even if you have multiple farms or bases.
- General Rules
5.1 Using any rares to break any of the rules is not allowed, and you will receive a punishment for rule violation. For example, using rares to spam chat messages is not allowed.
5.2 Using fireworks, large disguises, sounds, and spamming arrows are not allowed in spawn or public events/areas.
5.3 Chargebacks for purchases on the server store are not allowed. Please contact DrApplebranch with server store issues.
5.4 Newbie-ranked players who spam or have 3 or more rule violations may be permanently banned.
- Economy Rules
To help keep the economy fair and safe while playing with other players, we've implemented the rules below.
6.1 Gambling and pay-to-enter events/games are not allowed, including casinos, betting, and mystery boxes. Anything pay-to-enter is not allowed if the outcome is uncertain. However, specific pay-to-enter locations or events may be allowed, such as spawner rooms or other builds where the outcome is clear what you are getting.
6.2 Banks, investing, interest payments, and other systems involving storing anything for other players is not allowed. If you commit to a long term trade or loan with a player, we recommend taking screenshots or video of the trade and the agreement. In case the trade is not followed later on, our staff team will need evidence of the trade, excluding chat logs. Please note that we discourage long term trades and loans.
6.3 You may use a maximum of 3 accounts per world for voting, completing events, or claiming any type of reward for something. Some events may have a different or no limit, which will be announced in Discord or at the event itself. There is no account limit for playing or farms unless you are causing lag or there is other abuse happening.
6.4 Copying or reselling other player's mapart, books, banners, or other original work without their permission is not allowed, including stealing or editing original work.
6.5 Misleading any staff member into refunding or replacing items falsely claimed as broken, lost, or stolen is not allowed.
- Trading
Trading with other players is to be completely safe. Trades should be understood and agreed to by all players involved.
7.1 No scamming in trades. A trade scam is when a player, or other players working together, misleads, lies, or does not deliver on an agreed deal with another player for goods or services. If a trade is started, it must be completed or reversed if the trade cannot be completed. Failure to finish a trade after it has started is a scam. If a trade is canceled before anything is exchanged, even if an agreement is set, this is not a scam.
7.2 Trading fake items is considered a scam (for example, selling a fake crate key).
7.3 Killing another player before, during, or within minutes after trading is not allowed.
7.4 Lowballing is allowed.
7.5 Refunds do not need to be given if a trade was successfully completed fairly.
7.6 Third-party deals, receiving or giving anything outside of Applecraft for something inside of Applecraft, is not allowed. Trading in-game items for the following in-game goods are generally exempt from this rule: player skins, texture packs, artwork for mapart, schematics of builds, and custom mods.
7.7 Extortion or blackmail for real life or server goods or services is not allowed.
7.8 Items purchased from a shop donation bin, storage, or display will result in the trade being reversed at the shop owner's discretion.
Note: We recommend screenshotting trade deals in-game, this is the best way to send proof of a trade to a staff member in case of an issue. Chat logs cannot be used. We do not recommend long term trades, as the staff team cannot always find evidence of the traded items after significant time has passed.
- Claims and Griefing
All of your belongings and builds are completely protected.
8.1 No griefing, raiding, stealing, or killing anything that does not belong to you, including in unclaimed areas and server locations such as spawn, the main end island, PVP arenas, and shops. Mass destruction of unclaimed/wild land is considered griefing.
8.1.1 Stealing from a claim you are trusted in without permission is not allowed.
8.1.2 Claiming another player's belongings is not allowed.
8.1.3 Stealing items in the shop world is not allowed. You can only take from containers marked as free.
8.1.4 If you share a base with another player or have claimed a town, you cannot leave a player's belongings unprotected or remove their access to their belongings. Town mayors must provide evicted residents their belongings. We recommend towns create an area where evicted residents can pick up their belongings at any time.
8.1.5 Anybody can create a town. The town mayor may create and enforce their own rules, while all the server rules remain enforced by the staff team. To avoid issues, residents should agree to the town rules prior to moving in. Town rule disputes are to be handled between the town mayor and residents.
8.2 You have the right to your land, and don't bother other players on their land.
8.2.1 Do not build or claim within 100 blocks or range of another player or their claim. If land is claimed, build away from the edge of the player's claim. If land is unclaimed, build away from the other player's build. If players agree to live near each other, this rule will not be enforced. We recommend screenshotting these agreements for evidence.
8.2.2 Claims or builds intended to block or troll a player may be removed.
8.2.3 If a player asks you to leave their claim/area, you need to leave and move at least 100 blocks away or out of range from the claim and not use local chat or sethome.
8.2.4 Do not cross the world border.
9.1 PVP is permitted in unclaimed and Titan PVP flagged areas.
9.2 Pushing players out of safe zones, areas where PVP is disabled, into damage-enabled areas is not allowed.
9.3 TP killing or trapping, or attempting to, is not allowed. Using sethomes or other means of teleportation to kill somebody is considered tp killing. In addition, trapping players is not allowed.
9.4 Killing players, animals, or pets in claims is not allowed.